Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm With Jar-Jar?

I'm sure this is terribly unfashionable, but the whole Conan/Jay Leno debacle has made me like Jay Leno MORE. This is coming from someone whose watched Leno maybe twice and prefers Conan and Letterman. . .but honestly doesn't stay up late enough to watch any of them. Seriously, who stays up this late? Anyway, I can understand why Conan got upset. . .sort of. They wanted to move his show back a half hour and still call it "The Tonight Show", but that was messing with some kind of "TS" tradition, right? Okay, I get that. But I thought the backlash against Jay was sort of ridiculous and out of control. Why is it his fault that NBC (his boss) wanted to change his job? It's like if I'm a salesman and my boss gives me Tripp's clients, and I do terrible at it (Sorry, Conan. For the record, I think he did a great job hosting the "TS", but the ratings weren't there and that's how TV measures success) and my boss gives Tripp back some of his clients. . .would it make sense for me to be mad at Tripp? I just don't get it.
All of this being said, I love Conan. I TiVo'd his "Tonight Show" finale and was near tears when he gave his farewell speech. I mean, that whole "don't be cynical" message to the kids? Don't even get me started. But I think Jay's getting a bad rap. Prove me wrong, reader(s)!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fighting a Cold

Does considering the Starbucks Doubleshot Energy + Coffee a health drink (it has B vitamins!) make me less of a health nut?